
This tutorial aims to give an overview over the core features. For details on particular interfaces see the API documentation.

Installation and setup

Install the library from Pip. As usual, it is recommended to install into a virtualenv:

cd my_project
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install flask_dialogflow

A Flask app can be initialized with a DialogflowAgent in two ways. One way is to pass the Flask instance directly to the init method:

app = Flask(__name__)
agent = DialogflowAgent(app)

The other way is to defer initialization until later and the calling DialogflowAgent.init_app() manually:

app = Flask(__name__)
agent = DialogflowAgent()


The latter works with application factories and is the recommended approach. In both cases the Flask app gets:

  • A new route that accepts the webhook requests from Dialogflow.

  • A second Jinja loader to be able to load the agents responses from a YAML file.

  • A reference to the agent in the Flask.extensions dictionary.

  • A reference to the agent in a Flask shell.

The only change that the agent makes to the Flask app is that it sets Flask.jinja_env.auto_reload to True. This is necessary to enable template randomization. See Templating for details.

The URL endpoint defaults to / and the templates file to templates.yaml. Both can be configured in the init method:

agent = DialogflowAgent(
    route='/agent', templates_file='agent/templates.yaml'

flask_dialogflow currently supports two versions of the Dialogflow API: v2 and v2beta1. The latter is, despite its name, a superset of the former and therefore set as the default version. This means that the conversation objects will be of type V2beta1DialogflowConversation and that API objects such as Cards and Images should be imported from the flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2beta1 module.

While it is possible to change the version to v2 there is not much point to this as the difference is minuscule. This option exists mostly to make the library forward compatible with future Dialogflow versions.

The DialogflowAgent has a debug mode that can be activate via the debug init param or the flask_dialogflow_DEBUG environment variable. It causes all webhook requests and responses to be logged to the console (prettified).

Google APIs and serialization

This library uses marshmallow to serialize and deserialize the Dialogflow and Actions on Google API objects, but this is completely abstracted. The objects are implemented as dataclasses and each have a corresponding marshmallow schema. Each class and schema are linked in such a way the entire de-/serialization process is hidden behind from_json/to_json methods on the classes. These classes implement the entire Dialogflow (v2, v2beta1) and Actions on Google API in three modules:

  • flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2

  • flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2

  • flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2beta1

Here is an example of how it works:

from flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2beta1 import Image

# Deserialization from JSON
    {'imageUri': 'https://image.png', 'accessibilityText': 'Image'}
# Image(image_uri='https://image.png', accessibility_text='Image')

# Serialization to JSON
Image(image_uri='https://image.png', accessibility_text='Image').to_json()
# {'imageUri': 'https://image.png', 'accessibilityText': 'Image'}


By JSON, we always mean plain Python data structures that can be handled by json.dumps()/json.loads(), i.e. usually dictionaries. Pythons type system does unfortunately not allow recursive types, which is why we type JSON as MutableMapping[str, Any].

This system powers the entire library and can also be used by users. See the API documentations section on JSON handling for details. Note also that users will sometimes have to import classes from the API modules directly, such as when using rich response items like cards or carousels.

The API classes are not documented because they map API interfaces into native Python classes. Because of that, users will have to consult the original Google documentations:

Since the conversion from API objects (Protobuf messages) to Python classes is not an exact science, here are conversion rules that we have applied:

  • Every API object becomes a Python dataclass.

  • CamelCase attribute names are converted to snake_case.

  • Names are kept as they are, except for a small number of cases were a class name is not unique across the API. In these cases the name is usually prepended with the enclosing messages name.

  • All fields are optional unless a field is explicitly documented as required. In these cases we have set them as required here as well to avoid some x is None checks.

  • Optional fields always default to None, except for lists and dictionaries. They default to empty collections to again avoid some None checks.

  • Oneof fields are implemented as individual, optional attributes.

  • Enums become Python enums.

  • Structs become Dict[str, Any].

  • Numbers are typed as int when either the Discovery document or the comments in the web documentation clearly state them as such, even though the web documentation knows only numbers. Otherwise they are floats.

The marshmallow schemas are only used to map the attributes from API objects to classes. They perform no validation or type conversion, this, if at all, must be done by the Python classes.

Conversations and handlers

Conversation objects are the core idea of this library. They represent one turn of the conversation with the user and expose the request attributes as well as methods to build the response. V2beta1DialogflowConversation is the specific type that the conversation will be of under the default settings. It is initialized from the WebhookRequest behind the scenes and handed over to the appropriate handler function. After the handler has done its job it is supposed to hand it back to the library, which will render it to a WebhookResponse, serialize it to JSON and send it back to Dialogflow.

Conversations expose the request attributes as properties, e.g.:

conv.intent      # The intent name
conv.parameters  # The requests parameters
conv.session     # The session id

They also offer methods to build responses:

# A simple text response
conv.tell('Hello world!')

# Rendering a response from a template
from flask import render_template

# Showing a card
from flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2beta1 import Card
card = Card(title='Beautiful image', image_uri='image.png')

Conversations also give access to a requests contexts, for that see the Contexts section.

Conversation handlers implement the core business logic of the agent. They are functions that accept the conversation object, inspect its request attributes, perform necessary business logic, build the response and return the conversation object again. Handlers can be arbitrarily complex as long as they accept the conversation as their first argument and return it again.

Handlers can of course pass the conversation on to sub handlers. This makes the data flow easier to understand and test. Here is an example of a slightly more complex handler setup:

def choose_date_handler(conv):
    # Entry point for conversations for the SelectDate intent
    date = parse(conv.parameters['selected_date'])
    if date >= datetime.datetime.now():
        conv = valid_date(conv)
        conv = invalid_date(conv)
    return conv

def valid_date(conv):
    ... # Business logic
    conv.tell('Date was chosen!')
    return conv

def invalid_date(conv):
    ... # Business logic
    conv.tell('Date is invalid:(')
    return conv

The general idea is always that a handler gets a conversation, examines the request attributes, passes the conversation on to where the specific conversation state is best handled, builds the response and eventually hands the conversation back to the library, which will take care of rendering it correctly and sending it back.

Conversations are not meant to be inspected, i.e. one should never ‘check’ if a certain response was already set and then try to do something based on the result. Responses should be set once where it is appropriate and then not be touched anymore.

Dialogflow has some constraints on what kind of and how many responses go together (e.g. only two speech bubbles, one card etc.), but these are not enforced by the conversation object as they are not always clearly documented would make the API quite brittle. Users are expected to be familiar with the Dialogflow API and watch the Dialogflow logs for errors.


flask_dialogflow uses the Jinja2 templating library just like Flask itself, but adds two features to make it work better for voice assistants.

The first one is that we expect all templates to be assembled into a single YAML file. Each key of the file is its own template an can be rendered independently. They are of course full Jinja templates and can use all features of the Jinja templating language:

# A plain string template
welcome: Hi, welcome to SomeAgent!

# A template with a variable and a filter
confirm_delivery: Ok, your delivery will arrive by {{ date|format('%A') }}.

These two would be rendered like any normal Flask template and passed to the conversations response methods. Since we render templates a lot we typically alias the render_template function:

from flask import render_template as __

conv.tell(__('confirm_delivery', date=datetime.datetime.now())))

The second feature that we add is randomization. For voice assistants it is typically desirable to vary each speech response somewhat so as not to sound robotic. flask_dialogflow makes this simple by supporting randomization out of the box. It can be used by using arrays of different formulations for one template in the templates file:

  - Hi, welcome to SomeAgent!
  - Hi there, SomeAgent here.
  - Hello, here is SomeAgent!

This template is rendered as usual (render_template('welcome')), but one of the three variations will be chosen at random.

It is also possible to weigh the options by specifying them as two-element arrays, where the second element is the weight. The weight is optional and defaults to 1:

  - ['Hi, welcome to SomeAgent!', 2]
  - Hi there, SomeAgent here.
  - ['Yo, wazzup? SomeAgent here for you.', 0.5]

In this case the first variant has a probability of ~57% (=2/3.5), the second of ~29% (=1/3.5) and the third of ~14% (0.5/3.5). When using this option care has to be taken to properly quote the strings so as to not accidentally malform the array.


Contexts are essential to realize complex, multi-turn dialogs. Conversations expose a requests contexts via the V2beta1DialogflowConversation.contexts attribute, which returns a ContextManager that has methods to get, set, check and delete a context.

Checking if a context is present:


# Or shorter:
'some_ctx' in conv.contexts

Getting a context, returning a flask_dialogflow.context.Context instance:


# Or shorter via attribute access:

Setting a context:

# Setting an empty context with the default lifespan:

# Customizing the lifespan:
conv.contexts.set('some_ctx', lifespan_count=3)

# Including context parameters:
conv.contexts.set('some_ctx', lifespan_count=3, some_param='some_value')

# Initializing a complex context up front and setting it:
from flask_dialogflow.context import Context
ctx = Context(
    parameters={'foo': 'bar'}

Deleting a context still sends it back in the next response, but with a lifespan of 0 to ensure that it gets deleted in Dialogflow:


# Or shorter:
del conv.contexts.some_ctx

Often one would like to have guarantees about the state of certain contexts. It is therefore possible to register contexts on the agent via DialogflowAgent.register_context().

Keeping a context around: This ensures that it never expires by resetting its lifespan to a high value on each request. This happens before the conversation is passed to the handler, so the handler can still delete the context manually:

agent.register_context('some_ctx', keep_around=True)

This does not create a context when it doesn’t exist. For that use a default factory, that initialized a context with the results of this factory as the parameters when it is not part of the request:

# This context will be initialized with an empty parameters dict
agent.register_context('some_ctx', default_factory=dict)

# This context has some parameters already set
    'some_other_ctx', default_factory=lambda: {'foo': 'bar'}

Setting both keep_around and default_factory ensures that a context is always present and conv.contexts.some_ctx never raises an AttributeError.

For complex contexts it is desirable to have the parameters attribute not be a dictionary, but rather a class instances. This requires that the instance can be serialized to JSON. Context can therefore be register with a serializer and deserializer function. The result of the deserializer will be bound to the parameters attribute when the conversation is initialized. After handling the serializer will be used to convert the instance back to JSON. This makes it possible to use arbitrary Python classes as contexts and hence attach business logic to them.

To make this even easier there is an DialogflowAgent.context decorator that can be used on JSONType subclasses. It will set the serializer, deserializer and default_factory automatically (should the default_factory not be needed it can be set to None). Here is an example of how this can be used to implement a GameState context for a quiz game:

# Implement the game state class and schema
from marshmallow.fields import Int, Str
from flask_dialogflow.json import JSONType, JSONTypeSchema

class _GameStateSchema(JSONTypeSchema):
    questions_answered = Int()
    last_answer = Str()

@agent.context('game_state', keep_around=True)
class GameState(JSONType, schema=_GameStateSchema):
    questions_answered: int = 0
    last_answer: Optional[str] = None
This ensures that:
  • The game_state context will always be present.

  • It will be correctly initialized if necessary.

  • Its lifespan never expires.

  • The Context.parameters are an instance of the GameState class, not a dict.

In a handler this context could be used like this:

def handle_correct_answer(conv):
    conv.contexts.game_state.parameters.questions_answered += 1
    conv.contexts.game_state.parameters.last_answer = ...
    return conv


Dialogflow is a generic Google Cloud API that can be integrated with a large number of different platforms. The most well-known of the is Actions on Google (i.e. the Google Assistant), others are Slack, Facebook Messenger and Telegram. It is also possible to integrate Dialogflow with custom platforms such as proprietary chat platforms or third party smart speakers.

flask_dialogflow supports all of these use cases. There is extensive support for Actions on Google (see below), basic support for the other integrations and tools to build helpers for custom integrations.

Integrations can send platform-specific data in the webhook request and receive platform-specific responses in the webhook response, they essentially piggyback on the Dialogflow webhook protocol. Because of this we give them each its own conversation object that is accessible via the overall DialogflowConversation object.

All integration conversations must subclass the AbstractIntegrationConversation, which ensures that they can be initialized from a request and rendered to a response. The default implementation of this interface is GenericIntegrationConversation, which behaves like a dict. This class is used for all integrations except Actions on Google, which has a more elaborate class.

Dialogflow’s default integrations are set up in the conversation by default. This means that platform-specific responses can be included without further setup, enabling multi-platform agents out of the box:

conv.facebook['foo'] = 'bar'  # Response only for Facebook
conv.slack['bar'] = 'baz'     # This is for Slack

What kind of responses the platforms accept depends on them and has to be looked up in their documentation.

It is also possible to register new integrations via DialogflowAgent.register_integration. This is useful when the Dialogflow API is used from a custom system that has additional features. An example of this would be a custom smart speaker that has a blinking light that can be controlled via parameters in the response payload. This would be a case were it is useful to implement a custom conversation class to abstract this functionality and to register it on the agent.

from flask_dialogflow.integrations import GenericIntegrationConversation

class BlinkingLightSpeakerConv(GenericIntegrationConversation):
    # Subclass the generic conv to get the usual dict behavior

    def blink(times=1):
        # Build the JSON payload that makes the light blink
        self['blink'] = times


Now, every DialogflowConversation passed to a handler will have an instance of this special conversation object that can be used to make the light blink:

def blink_twice_handler(conv):
    # ... other response parts as usual
    return conv

Should the speaker carry data when calling Dialogflow (via the OriginaDetectIntentRequest.payload), it can be made available via the conversation class just like any other request attributes. Let’s assume the speaker would tell the webhook whether the light is currently on or off by sending {'light_on': True} in the payload. The conversation class could then make this info available like this:

from flask_dialogflow.integrations import GenericIntegrationConversation

class BlinkingLightSpeakerConv(GenericIntegrationConversation):

    def light_on(self) -> bool:
        # The GenericIntegrationConversation is already a dict, we
        # simply expose this attribute as a property for
        # convenience
        return self['light_on']

    def turn_light_off(self):
        # Method to turn the light off (assuming the speaker
        # handles this)
        self['light_on'] = False

This can now be used in handler functions as well:

def turn_light_off_handler(conv):
    if conv.blink_speaker.light_on:
    return conv

Actions on Google

Actions on Google (AoG) is the most important integration of Dialogflow, many agents will probably never use another one. Because of this AoG has a fairly elaborate conversation class that is available via conv.google: V2ActionsOnGoogleDialogflowConversation. This class should always be used for AoG in favor of Dialogflow’s generic responses, and when an agent is only targeted for the Google Assistant it is perfectly fine to use it exclusively.

Because it works just like the normal conversation, we only highlight the most important features here, see the API docs for a full reference.

AoG by default sends all responses as SSML. This means that templates can contain SSML tags and just work:

welcome: Hi there! <audio src="https://some_jingle.mp3"/>
conv.google.tell(__('welcome'))  # Plays the jingle

AoG supports system intents that take over the conversation for a brief period of time and obtain standardized information from the user. System intents are implemented as methods on the AoG conversation object and are typically named ask_for_*. for example:

# Ask for permission to get the users name
conv.google.ask_for_permission('To greet you by name', 'NAME')

# Ask for a confirmation
conv.google.ask_for_confirmation('Do you really want to do this?')

# Ask the user to link a third-party OAuth account
conv.google.ask_for_sign_in('To access your Tinder account')

# Ask for a selection from a list
from flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2 import ListSelect
list_select = ListSelect(...)  # Build the ListSelect

The response to a system intent is usually included in the conv.google.inputs array of the next request. The precise format varies and has to be looked up in the AoG docs.

AoG has a user_storage field that makes it possible to persist user information server side across sessions (thereby differing from Dialogflow contexts, which are always bound to a session). This field is available under conv.google.user.user_storage and makes use of the same serialization system as the contexts. It is by default treated as a dict and de-/serialized with json.loads/dumps, which means that all of its attributes must be JSON-serializable.

Should a more elaborate system be needed, such as a custom user storage class, it can be configured via the DialogflowAgents init params (aog_user_storage_deserializer, aog_user_storage_serializer, aog_user_storage_default_factory). The behavior is the same as for the contexts.


The DialogflowAgent has a special DialogflowAgent.test_request() method that can be used to quickly construct webhook requests and route them trough the agent. The response will be a special WebhookResponse subclass that makes it easy to make assertions about the response. For example:

# Call the Welcome intent
resp = agent.test_request('Welcome')

# Assert a text response
assert 'Hi, welcome to SomeAgent!' in resp.text_responses()

# Assert that a certain context is present
assert resp.has_context('some_ctx)

# Get the context to inspect it in more detail

Note that the helper currently only support the generic Dialogflow responses, the AoG response have to be inspected manually (resp.payload['google']).

Flask CLI and shell

The agent adds a agent sub command to the Flask CLI that can be used to quickly get information about the agent. It supports the following commands:

$ flask agent intents
# Prints a table with the registered intents and handlers

$ flask agent contexts
# Prints a table with the registered contexts

$ flask agent integrations
# Prints a table with the registered integration conversation classes

The agent is also available in a flask shell under the agent name. This in combination with DialogflowAgent.test_request() is the quickest way to test the agent during development.