API Reference

This part of the documentation covers all the interfaces of flask_dialogflow.

Agent object

The agent is the core object of this library.

class flask_dialogflow.agent.DialogflowAgent(app: Optional[flask.app.Flask] = None, version: Optional[str] = 'v2beta1', route: Optional[str] = '/', templates_file: Optional[str] = 'templates.yaml', debug: Optional[bool] = False, aog_user_storage_default_factory: Optional[Callable[[], T]] = <class 'dict'>, aog_user_storage_deserializer: Optional[Callable[[str], T]] = <function loads>, aog_user_storage_serializer: Optional[Callable[[T], str]] = <function dumps>, aog_text_to_speech_as_ssml: Optional[bool] = True)

Dialogflow agent.

This is the central object that represents the Dialogflow agent and integrates this library with Flask. It keeps track of registered intent handlers, contexts and integrations and handles requests behind the scenes. It initializes a DialogflowConversation for each requests and hands it over to the corresponding handler, which does the actual business logic needed to fulfill the request.

  • app – The Flask app to initialize this agent with.

  • version – The version of the Dialogflow API to use. Defaults to v2beta1, which despite its name appears to be a superset of v2 (i.e. is completely compatible with it).

  • route – The URL endpoint under which this agent will be served. Will be registered on the Flask app to accept POST requests.

  • templates_file – A single YAML file with the Jinja templates. See templating for details. The path must be relative to the Flask apps root_path.

  • debug – Debug mode for the agent. If on, every request and response will be logged as prettified JSON. Can be set via the flask_dialogflow_DEBUG environment variable.

  • aog_flask_dialogflow_default_factory – The default factory to use for the user_storage of the AoG integration.

  • aog_user_storage_deserializer – The function to deserialize the user_storage of the AoG integration.

  • aog_user_storage_serializer – The function to serialize the user_storage of the AoG integration.

  • aog_text_to_speech_as_ssml – Whether to send text responses for Actions on Google as SSML by default. This makes it possible to use SSML directives in templates without additional setup.

init_app(app: flask.app.Flask, route: Optional[str] = None, templates_file: Optional[str] = None) → None

Initialize a Flask app.

This can be used to manually initialize a Flask app when it wasn’t passed to init. Adds the route, the template loader and a shell context processor. Sets auto_reload to True on the Jinja env.

  • app – The Flask app to initialize with this agent.

  • route – The URL endpoint for this agent. If None, defaults to the agents route.

  • templates_file – The YAML templates file. If None, defaults to the agents template file.



register_handler(intent: str, handler: Callable[[Union[flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2DialogflowConversation, flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2beta1DialogflowConversation]], Union[flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2DialogflowConversation, flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2beta1DialogflowConversation]]) → None

Register a conversation handler.

Takes the name of an intent (the display_name, i.e. the name it was given in the Dialogflow console) and registers a handler function for it. All requests to this intent will then be routed to this handler.

  • intent – The intent to register the handler for.

  • handler – The conversation handler for this intent.



handle(intent: str)

Decorator to register conversation handlers.


def hello_world_handler(conv):
    # This handler will be called for requests to
    # the HelloWorld intent
    conv.ask('Hello world!')
    return conv

intent – The intent to register the handler for.


The decorator to be applied to a conversation handler.

register_integration(source: str, integration_conv_cls: Type[AbstractIntegrationConversation], version: Optional[str] = None, integration_conv_cls_kwargs: Optional[Mapping] = None) → None

Register an integration conversation class.

This can be used to register conversation classes for custom integrations, i.e. subclasses of AbstractIntegrationConversation. The class will then be available via the standard DialogflowConversation. Should the webhook request from this integration carry custom payload it too will be available via conversation object.


Assume you want to integrate your Dialogflow agent with a custom speaker that has a blinking light that can be controlled via the webhook. You could then write a custom conversation class that abstracts this functionality:

from flask_dialogflow.integrations import GenericIntegrationConversation

class BlinkingLightSpeakerConv(GenericIntegrationConversation):
    # Subclass the generic conv to get the usual dict behavior

    def blink(times=1):
        # Build the JSON payload that makes the light blink
        self['blink'] = times


Now, every DialogflowConversation passed to a handler will have an instance of this special conversation object that can be used to make the light blink:

def blink_twice_handler(conv):
    # ... other response parts as usual
    return conv

The speaker could carry data when calling Dialogflow (via the OriginaDetectIntentRequest.payload), which can be made available via the conversation class. Let’s assume the speaker would tell the webhook whether the light is currently on or off by sending {'light_on': True} in the payload. The conversation class could then make this info available like this:

from flask_dialogflow.integrations import GenericIntegrationConversation

class BlinkingLightSpeakerConv(GenericIntegrationConversation):

    def light_on(self) -> bool:
        # The GenericIntegrationConversation is already a dict, we
        # simply expose this attribute as a property for
        # convenience
        return self['light_on']

    def turn_light_off(self):
        # Method to turn the light off (assuming the speaker
        # handles this)
        self['light_on'] = False

This can now be used in handler functions as well:

def turn_light_off_handler(conv):
    if conv.blink_speaker.light_on:
    return conv
  • source – The integration platform to use this conversation for.

  • integration_conv_cls – The conversation class to use for this integration.

  • version – Optional version qualifier for the source.

  • integration_conv_cls_kwargs – Kwargs to pass to the conversations from_webhook_request_payload method.



integration(source: str, version: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)

Decorator version of register_integration().

  • source – The integration platform to use this conversation for.

  • version – Optional version qualifier for the source.

  • **kwargs – Kwargs to pass to the conversations from_webhook_request_payload method.

register_context(display_name: str, keep_around: Optional[bool] = False, default_factory: Optional[Callable[[], CtxT]] = None, deserializer: Optional[Callable[[MutableMapping[str, Any]], CtxT]] = None, serializer: Optional[Callable[[CtxT], MutableMapping[str, Any]]] = None) → None

Register a context.

Registering a context abstracts certain parts of context handling, making them easier to work with. Most importantly, it makes it possible to represent the parameters of a context as a class instead of a plain dictionary and have de-/serialization handled behind the scenes.

  • display_name – The display name of the context to register.

  • keep_around – Ensure that this context never expires by resetting its lifespan to a high value on each request. This happens before the handler is called, meaning the context can still be expired manually. This does not create a context when it doesn’t already exist, use default_factory for that.

  • default_factory – A factory to initialize a context when it is not present in a request. This function must only return the context parameters (either a dict or a class instance), it will be wrapped in a Context object automatically. Setting this in combination with keep_around ensures that a context will always be present, i.e. that conv.contexts.some_ctx never raises an AttributeError.

  • deserializer – Function to deserialize the context parameters with. Context params will be deserialized with json.load, this function can be used to deserialize them further into a class. This makes it possible to work with context params as class instances instead of dicts and to implement custom context classes with additional business logic. Care has to be taken though because Dialogflow adds its own fields to contexts, the deserializer has to be able to ignore them.

  • serializer – Function with which the context params will be serialized to JSON.



context(display_name: str, **kwargs) → Callable[[Type[CtxT]], Type[CtxT]]

Decorator version of register_context.

This decorator can be applied to JSONType classes which have de-/serialization built in and set the correct deserializer/serializer functions automatically. For details on how the JSONTypes work see the section on JSON handling. Here is an example how one could realize a game state context with this:

# Implement the game state class and schema
from marshmallow.fields import Int, Str
from flask_dialogflow.json import JSONType, JSONTypeSchema

class _GameStateSchema(JSONTypeSchema):
    questions_answered = Int()
    last_answer = Str()

@agent.context('game_state', keep_around=True)
class GameState(JSONType, schema=_GameStateSchema):
    questions_answered: int = 0
    last_answer: Optional[str] = None
This ensures that:
  • The game_state context will always be present.

  • It will be correctly initialized if necessary.

  • Its lifespan never expires.

  • The Context.parameters are an instance of the GameState class, not a dict.

In a handler this context could be used like this:

def handle_correct_answer(conv):
    conv.contexts.game_state.parameters.questions_answered += 1
    conv.contexts.game_state.parameters.last_answer = ...
    return conv

Applying this decorator to a non-JSONType class requires that the deserializer and serializer are provided manually, which is the same as calling register_context() directly.

  • display_name – The display name of the context to register.

  • **kwargs – The same kwargs that register_context() takes.


A class decorator for JSONType subclasses.

list_handler() → Iterable[Tuple[str, Callable[[Union[flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2DialogflowConversation, flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2beta1DialogflowConversation]], Union[flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2DialogflowConversation, flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2beta1DialogflowConversation]]]]

List all registered handlers.


Tuples of (intent name, handler function).

list_integrations() → Iterable[Tuple[str, Optional[str], flask_dialogflow.integrations.AbstractIntegrationConversation, Optional[Mapping]]]

List all registered integrations.


Tuples of (source, integration conv class, version, kwargs).

list_contexts() → Iterable[flask_dialogflow.context.ContextRegistryEntry]

List all registered contexts.


ContextRegistryEntry objects that contain information about the contexts.

test_request(*args, **kwargs) → flask_dialogflow.agent.TestWebhookResponse

Make a test request.

This builds a WebhookRequest from the passed parameters and processes it like a normal request. Everything that happens between the deserialization of a requests POST payload and the serialization of the handlers response will also happen during this test request. It can thus be used to quickly test the agents request handling end-to-end.


resp = agent.test_request('HelloWorld')
# Builds a request for the 'HelloWorld' intent and passes it
# through the agent. resp is now the webhook response that would be
# send back to Dialogflow.

This does not involve Flask and does thus also not need an active app or request context.


kwargs (args,) – The arguments are the same that build_webhook_request() takes. The first one is the intent name.


An instance of TestWebhookResponse, a WebhookRequest subclass that offers some additional methods to make assertions about the response.

Conversation objects

Conversation classes are the core abstraction of this library. They come in two versions for the two supported Dialogflow version, but are, except for some additional features in v2beta1, completely identical.

class flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2DialogflowConversation(webhook_request: Optional[flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2.WebhookRequest] = None, context_manager: Optional[ContextManager] = None, integration_convs: Optional[Mapping[str, flask_dialogflow.integrations.AbstractIntegrationConversation]] = None)

The core Dialogflow Conversation object.

This object is the heart of this library. It represents a single turn in a Dialogflow conversation and is the interface to both the incomint request data as well as to the response construction methods. This object is instantiated by flask_dialogflow automatically and then passed to the handler function matched to this request. The handler function will usually inspect the request data in more detail, perform some business logic, maybe update the server-side state (contexts, user storage) and then build a response before returning the conversation object back to the library. It will then be rendered into a webhook response and serialized to JSON behind the scenes.

This class is specific to v2 of the Dialogfow API. There is a corresponding V2beta1DialogflowConversation for v2beta1. These two are currently the only supported Dialogflow versions. (v2beta1 appears, despite its name, to be a superset of v2, there is thus no harm in always using it, which is why it is the default conversation class.)

The DialogflowConversation does also carry integration-specific conversation classes to implement features specific to individual integrations. The most important of them is V2ActionOnGoogleDialogflowConversation for the Actions on Google integration. It is registered on the agent by default and always available under the google attribute. See Integrations for details.

Note that the response methods on this class refer to the generic Dialogflow responses. Some integrations, particularly Actions on Google, have their own set of much more elaborate responses. The methods here should thus only be used when cross-platform compatibility is desired. For agents that are only used with Actions on Google one should always use the V2DialogflowConversation.google methods exclusively. The other integration convs are currently GenericIntegrationConversations, which behave like dicts. Users can implement their own conversation classes and register them on the agent to support custom features.

property webhook_request

The WebhookRequest that this conversation represents.

It is usually not necessary and not recommended to interact with this directly, it is offered as a fallback option to give access to the raw request data. Modyfing this is highly discouraged and may lead to unexpected results.

property session

This requests session id.

property response_id

This requests response id.

property query_text

This requests query text (i.e. the text spoken by the user).

property language_code

This requests language code.

property intent

This requests intent (display name).

property action

This requests action.

property contexts

This requests incoming contexts.

This returns a special ContextManager object that provides a simple API to manage the conversations context state. See its documentation for details.

property parameters

This requests parameters.

property all_required_params_present

Whether all required parameters for this intent are present.

property fallback_level

This requests fallback level.

Default is 0, the first fallback intent gets level 1. If this is immediately followed by another fallback intent (i.e. the user was still not understood) the level is 2 and so on. The next non-fallback intent resets the level to 0.

It is good design practice to handle the levels differently, see the Design guidelines for details.

property diagnostic_info

This requests diagnostic info.

property intent_detection_confidence

This requests intent detection confidence.

property speech_recognition_confidence

This requests speech recognition confidence.

property sentiment

This requests sentiment.

property source

This requests source (i.e. the integration platform).

property version

This requests source version (usually only set for AoG).

property payload

This requests integration payload.

This platform-specific payload will be used to initialize the integration convs. Users should typically access these directly (via V2DialogflowConversation.google etc.), the raw data is only included as a fallback option. Modifying it is highly discouraged.

property integrations

The dictionary of integration convs.

The default integrations (AoG, Facebook, Slack ectc) have their own properties and do not need to access their convs via this dictionary, but custom integration platforms will. It is a default dict that returns a GenericIntegrationConversation by default, which means that new platforms can be used without additional setup.

This class implements a __getattr__ method that looks up attributes in the integrations mapping. These two lines are therefore equivalent:

conv.foobar  # Same thing
ask(*texts) → None

Ask the user something.

The v2 has no endInteraction field, which probably implies that the session can not be closed manually. v2beta1 has a separate tell() function that does end the interaction.


texts – The texts to speak.

show_quick_replies(*quick_replies, title: Optional[str] = None) → None

Show quick replies.

  • quick_replies – The replies to suggest.

  • title – The title of the replies collection.

show_card(card: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2.Card) → None

Show a card.


card – The card to show.

show_image(image: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2.Image) → None

Show an image.


image – The image to show.

property google

The Actions on Google conversation object.

This objects abstracts all AoG-specific features. When AoG is the only integration where an agent is used it is perfectly fine to use this exclusively.

property facebook

The Facbook integration conv.

property slack

The Slack integration conv.

property telegram

The Telegram integration conv.

property kik

The Kik integration conv.

property skype

The Skype integration conv.

property twilio

The Twilio integration conv.

property twilio_ip

The TwilioIP integration conv.

property line

The Line integration conv.

property spark

The Spark integration conv.

property tropo

The Tropo integration conv.

property viber

The Viber integration conv.

to_webhook_response() → flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2.WebhookResponse

Render the WebhookResponse for this conversation.

This is the last step during conversation handling and is usually done automatically by the framework. Modifying the conversation after the response has been rendered may lead to unexpected results.


A complete Dialogflow WebhookResponse that can be serialized to JSON.

class flask_dialogflow.conversation.V2beta1DialogflowConversation(webhook_request: Optional[flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2.WebhookRequest] = None, context_manager: Optional[ContextManager] = None, integration_convs: Optional[Mapping[str, flask_dialogflow.integrations.AbstractIntegrationConversation]] = None)

The v2beta1 version of the DialogflowConversation.

This has a few additional features, but is otherwise completely identical to the V2DialogflowConversation.

tell(*texts) → None

Like ask, but the interaction is ended after it.

property alternative_query_results

Alternative QueryResults from knowledge connectors.

Contexts and Context Manager

Contexts are essential to manage (Dialogflow) server side state. These tools help in doing that accurately.

class flask_dialogflow.context.Context(name: Optional[str] = None, lifespan_count: Optional[int] = None, parameters: CtxT = None)

A wrapper around the API context.

Adds a display_name property and is parametrizable to give accurate type hints when using anything else but a dict for the parameters attribute (i.e. when registering this display name with a context class). Otherwise exactly the same as the API Context object.

property display_name

Get the contexts display name, i.e. without the session id.

classmethod from_context(ctx: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2.Context)

Initialize this class from an API context.

class flask_dialogflow.context.ContextManager(contexts: Optional[Iterable[flask_dialogflow.context.Context]] = None, session: Optional[str] = '', context_registry: Optional[flask_dialogflow.context.ContextRegistry] = None)

Interface to the collections of contexts on a conversation.

Contexts are server-side state that have to be managed from the client, i.e. this agent. This class represents the collection of contexts of a Dialogflow conversation and presents a set of methods to manage them in a predictable way.

This object is what is returned by V2DialogflowConversation.contexts.

  • contexts – An iterable of incoming contexts.

  • session – This requests session id. Required to build full context names.

  • context_registry – A reference to the context_registry of an agent.

get(display_name: str) → flask_dialogflow.context.Context

Get a context by its display name.

A shorter way to do this is via attribute access:

# These two are equivalent:

The complete context object, if present.


KeyError – When the context is not present.

set(display_name_or_ctx_instance: Union[str, flask_dialogflow.context.Context], lifespan_count: Optional[int] = None, **parameters) → None

Set a context.

  • display_name_or_ctx_instance – Either the display name of the new context (will be concatenated with the session id) or a complete Context instance.

  • lifespan_count – The lifespan of the new context. None defaults to Dialogflows default, currently 5.

  • parameters – Params for this context, i.e. the context data.




ValueError – If either a context instance was given and the a separate lifespan or params set or the display name is invalid.

delete(display_name: str, keep_in_registry: Optional[bool] = True) → None

Delete a context.

Deleting a context means settings its lifespan to zero, which will cause Dialogflow to delete them server side. This is why deleted contexts will still be included in the next webhook response (with lifespan 0).

This too works via attribute access:

# These two are equivalent:
del conv.contexts.foo_context
  • display_name – The display_name of the context to delete.

  • keep_in_registry – Keep the context in the agents context registry, should it have been in there.




KeyError – If a context with this name doesn’t exist.

has(display_name: str) → bool

Check whether a context is present.

This does not include deleted contexts, even though they will still be included in the next webhook response (to set their lifespan to 0).

A shorter version of this is the in operator:

# These two are equivalent:
'foo_context' in conv.contexts

True if it is present, false if not.

as_list() → List[flask_dialogflow.context.Context]

Render the current collection of contexts as a list.

This will we called automatically to add the contexts to the WebhookResponse. Contexts should not be modified after this has been called.


A list of context objects.

Integration Conversation objects

Dialogflow integrations get their own conversation objects, which work like the standard Dialogflow conversation object. They make it possible to include platform-specific responses, even for new or completely custom platforms. The default integration conversation is GenericIntegrationConversation, which works like a dict. It is used for all integrations that do not have a special conversation class registered. Actions-on-Google has a custom conversation object that supports AoG’s special features. It is registered for AoG requests by default.

class flask_dialogflow.integrations.AbstractIntegrationConversation

Interface for integration-specific conversation objects.

This interface mandates methods to initialize a conversation from a webhook request payload and to render it to JSON for the webhook response. All custom integration convs must implement this interface.

abstract classmethod from_webhook_request_payload(payload: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs) → flask_dialogflow.integrations.AbstractIntegrationConversation

Initialize this conversation from the webhook request payload.

Webhook requests contain platform-specific payload. This payload should be exposed by the conversation class. This method mandates that the conv can be instantiated from the payload (optionally with additional kwargs). The payload may be None or an empty dict, implementations should be able to handle this.

  • payload – The webhook request payload for this integration.

  • **kwargs – Additional kwargs, which can be set when registering this integration with an agent.


An instance of this conversation, which will be available via the DialogflowConversation.

abstract to_webhook_response_payload() → MutableMapping[str, Any]

Render this conversation back to JSON.

This method must render the handled conversation back to JSON to be included as the integration payload in the webhook response.


The fully processed conversation.

class flask_dialogflow.integrations.GenericIntegrationConversation(data: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None)

Generic integration conversation.

This is the default conversation used for all integrations that don’t have a custom conversation registered. It implements the MutableMapping ABC, which means it can be treated as a dict.

Actions on Google Conversation object

Actions on Google is currently the only integration platform that has a custom conversation class. It supports advanced AoG features such as additional rich responses, system intents, permissions and user storage.

class flask_dialogflow.integrations.actions_on_google.V2ActionsOnGoogleDialogflowConversation(app_request: Optional[AppRequest] = None, user_storage_default_factory: Callable[[], T] = <class 'dict'>, user_storage_deserializer: Optional[Callable[[str], T]] = <function loads>, user_storage_serializer: Optional[Callable[[T], str]] = <function dumps>, text_to_speech_as_ssml: Optional[bool] = True)

Conversation class for the Actions on Google integration.

This class implements all AoG specific features. It is registered as the integration class for AoG by default and available via the DialogflowConversation.google attribute. It exposes AoG specific request attributes and offers methods to build AoG responses. It also handles the de-/serialization of the AoG user storage.

When a Dialogflow agent is only meant to be used via Actions on Google, all responses can simply be set on this class. It is however perfectly possible to use this next to another integration class to realize agents for multiple platforms.

classmethod from_webhook_request_payload(payload: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs) → flask_dialogflow.integrations.actions_on_google.V2ActionsOnGoogleDialogflowConversation

Initialize this conversation from a webhook request payload.

Parses the payload to an AppRequest and initializes the conv.

  • payload – The OriginalDetectIntentRequest.payload of a webhook request from AoG.

  • **kwargs – Kwargs that init takes.

property app_request

The underlying AppRequest.

Should usually not be needed, but might be useful to access the raw request data.

property user

The User of this AppRequest.

This returns a special UserFacade object, which wraps the original User object and adds some more features.

property inputs

The sequence of Inputs of this request.

property surface

The surface Capabilities as a sequence of strings.

I.e. something like ('actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT', 'actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT'). See Surface capabilities for more details.

property has_screen

Whether this request has the SCREEN_OUTPUT capability.

property available_surfaces

The available surface capabilities that can be handed off to.

Returns a sequence of the capabilities name, just like surface.

property is_in_sandbox

Whether this is a sanbox request.

ask(*texts) → None

Ask the user something.

This implies that the session is kept open. Multiple texts will be concatenated wit a space and end up in one speech bubble. Call this method multiple times to produce multiple bubbles, but beware that there is currently a limit of two bubbles.


texts – The texts to speak.

ask_ssml(*texts) → None

Explicitly ask something in SSML.

This can be used to force SSML when the ssml-by-default option is turned off. Wraps the text in <speak> tags automatically.


texts – The texts to speak.

tell(*texts) → None

Tell the user something.

This implies that the session will be closed. Other behavior is the same as for ask().


texts – The texts to speak.

tell_ssml(*texts) → None

Explicitly tell something in SSML.

Equivalent of ask_ssml(), session will be closed.


texts – The texts to speak.


Set a separate display text on the last text response.

The spoken and the displayed text should normally not diverge too much, but there might be cases were the spoken text is very colloquical and a separate display text is desired. This adds a separate display text to the last text response. Can be used after ask, ask_ssml, tell and tell_ssml.


texts – The texts to display.


ValueError – If no text response has been set yet.

suggest(*suggestions) → None

Display suggestion chips.

Can be called once with multiple suggestions or multiple times in a row or both. Suggestions are kept in the order they are set, but are not de-duplicated.


suggestions – The suggestions to display.

show_basic_card(basic_card: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.BasicCard) → None

Show a BasicCard.


basic_card – The card to show.

show_image(url: str, accessibility_text: str, height: Optional[float] = None, width: Optional[float] = None, image_display_options: Optional[flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.ImageDisplayOptions] = None)

Show an image.

A plain image can be show as a basic card without title or description. This is therefore simply a wrapper around show_basic_card().

  • url – The images URL. Must be HTTPS.

  • accessibility_text – The images accessibilitiy text.

  • height – The images height.

  • width – The images width.

  • image_display_options – More detailes ImageDisplayOptions.

show_table_card(table_card: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.TableCard) → None

Show a TableCard.


table_card – The card to show.

play_media_response(media_response: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.MediaResponse) → None

Play a MediaResponse.


media_response – The media response to play.

Show a CarouselBrowse.


carousel_browse – The carousel to show.

show_order_update(order_update: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.OrderUpdate) → None

Show an OrderUpdate.


order_update – The order update to show.

Suggest a (web or Android app) link.

  • destination_name – The title to show on the button.

  • url – The URL.

  • url_type_hint – Optional hint for the URL, to be used when it is an Android link.

ask_for_permission(reason: str, *permissions)

Ask for permissions.

  • reason – The reason for the request.

  • permissions – The permissions to request.

ask_for_confirmation(request_confirmation_text: str) → None

Ask for a confirmation.


request_confirmation_text – The text to confirm.

ask_for_sign_in(reason: str) → None

Ask for sign in to link an OAuth account.


reason – The reason for the request.

ask_for_datetime(request_text: str) → None

ASk for a datetime.


request_text – The request text.

ask_for_date(request_text: str) → None

ASk for a date.


request_text – The request text.

ask_for_time(request_text: str) → None

ASk for a time.


request_text – The request text.

ask_for_screen_surface(context: str, notification_title: str) → None

Ask to hand the conversation over to a screen surface.

This wraps ask_for_new_surface() for screen surfaces.

  • context – The context that will be picked up on the new surface.

  • notification_title – The title of the notification on the new device.

ask_for_new_surface(capabilities: MutableSequence[str], context: str, notification_title: str)

Ask to hand the conversation over to a specific surface.

Use ask_for_screen_surface() if you want to hand off to a screen.

  • capabilities – Capabilities that the new surface must have.

  • context – The context that will be picked up on the new surface.

  • notification_title – The title of the notification on the new device.

Ask for a link.

Unclear what this is for.

  • open_url_action – The URL action to perform.

  • dialog_spec – The dialog spec to use (unspecified).

ask_for_simple_selection(simple_select: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.SimpleSelect)

Ask for a simple selection.


simple_select – The selection options.

ask_for_list_selection(list_select: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.ListSelect)

Ask for a selection from a list.


list_select – The list with the selection options.

Ask for a selection from a carousel.


carousel_select – The carousel with the selection options.

ask_for_collection_selection(collection_select: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.CollectionSelect) → None

Ask for a selection from a collection.


collection_select – The collection with the selection options.

ask_for_delivery_address(reason: str) → None

Ask for a delivery address.


reason – The reason for this request.

ask_for_transaction_requirements_check(order_options: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.OrderOptions, payment_options: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.PaymentOptions) → None

Ask for the transactions requirements check.

  • order_options – The order options to check.

  • payment_options – The payment options to check.

ask_for_transaction_decision(proposed_order: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.ProposedOrder, order_options: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.OrderOptions, payment_options: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.PaymentOptions, presentation_options: flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.PresentationOptions) → None

Ask for a transaction decision.

  • proposed_order – The order to propose.

  • order_options – The order options to propose.

  • payment_options – The payment options to propose.

  • presentation_options – The presentation options to propose.

to_webhook_response_payload() → MutableMapping[str, Any]

Render this conversation to the webhook response payload.

The response payload is not a AppResponse, but a custom, Dialogflow-specific format.


A dict with the necessary response data.

class flask_dialogflow.integrations.actions_on_google.UserFacade(user: Optional[flask_dialogflow.google_apis.actions_on_google_v2.User] = None, user_storage_default_factory: Callable[[], T] = <class 'dict'>, user_storage_deserializer: Optional[Callable[[str], T]] = <function loads>, user_storage_serializer: Optional[Callable[[T], str]] = <function dumps>)

A facade to the user object.

This wraps the User object and adds some additional features, most notably the handling of the user storage de-/serialization. This class is what is returned by V2ActionsOnGoogleDialogflowConversation.user.

property user_id

The User.user_id.

property id_token

The User.id_token.

property profile

The UserProfile.

property access_token

The User.access_token.

property permissions

The list of Permissions.

property locale

The User.locale.

property last_seen

When this user was last seen as a datetime object.

property last_seen_before

The amount of time since the user was last seen as a timedelta.

property package_entitlements

The list of PackageEntitlements of this user.

property user_storage

The deserialized User.user_storage.

Deleting the user_storage resets it to the default factory. To ensure that we don’t send and empty dictionary back to Google the user_storage is set to None when it evaluates to False during serialization. Before the next request it will then again be initialized with the default factory, thus keeping the type consistent.

JSON handling

Helpers for JSON de/serialization. This module, together with marshmallow powers the serialization and deserialization of the Google API objects to native, idiomatic Python classes. This system is part of the public API and can be used by users to implement custom context classes.


By JSON, we always mean plain Python data structures that can be handled by json.dumps()/json.loads(), i.e. usually dictionaries. Pythons type system does unfortunately not allow recursive types, which is why we type JSON as MutableMapping[str, Any].

class flask_dialogflow.json.JSONType

Mixin class that provides to_json and from_json methods.

Custom classes can inherit from this class and specify their marshmallow schema in the class definition. The schema must be a subclass of JSONTypeSchema. This class will then make sure that class and schema are linked and add to_json and from_json methods to the class. These methods completely abstract the schema and the marshmallow processing and allow it convert instances of this class to and from JSON in the simplest possible way.

Classes are defined as normal classes (optionally dataclasses), schemas as normal marshmallow schemas.


from marshmallow import fields

class _CustomClassSchema(JSONTypeSchema):
    foo = fields.Str()
    bar = fields.Int()

class CustomClass(JSONType, schema=_CustomClassSchema):
    foo: str
    bar: int

CustomClass is now linked with its schema and has to_json() and from_json() methods. They abstract the de-/serialization, the user does not have to care about marshmallow or the schema anymore:

>>> CustomClass.from_json({'foo': 'baz', 'bar': 42})
CustomClass(foo='baz', bar=42)
>>> CustomClass(foo='baz', bar=42).to_json()
{'foo': 'baz', 'bar': 42}

This works with all marshmallow features and can thus be used to quickly de-/serialize complex class hierarchies (such as WebhookRequests). The only caveat is that the result of Schema.load() will be spread into the classes init method, i.e. the params must map to each other. It is therefore recommend to use plain dataclasses as JSONTypes. However, both the to_json and from_json accept schema and dump/load kwargs, should further customization be desired.

  • AttributeError – When this class was subclassed without specifying a schema and a schema could also not be found in a super class.

  • TypeError – When the specified schema is not a JSONTypeSchema subclass.

classmethod from_json(data: MutableMapping[str, Any], schema_kwargs=None, load_kwargs=None)

Instantiate this class from JSON.

  • data – The data to load.

  • schema_kwargs – Kwargs to pass through to this classes schemas init method. See marshmallow.Schema for details.

  • load_kwargs – Kwargs to pass through to this classes schemas load method. See marshmallow.Schema.load() for details.

to_json(schema_kwargs=None, dump_kwargs=None)

Dump an instance of this class to JSON.

  • schema_kwargs – Kwargs to pass through to this classes schemas init method. See marshmallow.Schema for details.

  • dump_kwargs – Kwargs to pass through to this classes schemas dump method. See marshmallow.Schema.dump() for details.

class flask_dialogflow.json.JSONTypeSchema(only=None, exclude=(), many=False, context=None, load_only=(), dump_only=(), partial=False, unknown=None)

Base class for schemas for JSONTypes.

This class mixes in a make_obj method that is registered as a marshmallow post_load hook. This ensures that the data will be loaded into a JSONType class instance, not just a dict. The hook is registered here but the actual object class is only accessed at runtime, after the schema has been linked with its JSONType.

This class is set to exclude unknown fields by default. This is because one of the core use cases of this class are custom context classes, and Dialogflow adds its own fields there all the time. This can of course always be overridden in subclasses.

class flask_dialogflow.json.ModuleLocalNested(nested: Union[str, marshmallow.schema.Schema], module_name: Optional[str] = None, *args, **kwargs)

Nested field subclass that can be parametrized with the modules FQN.

Nested marshmallow fields get the name of schema of the nested class as a string. This string can be just the schemas name itself, but it is usually more robust to give the fully qualified name with the module path. As our schemas typically reside in the same module as the object classes we would like to have the fully qualified name used automatically. This fields.Nested subclass makes this possible by accepting the module name as a string and then building the full name for every field where it is used.


# In some_api_module.py: Parametrize the nested field with the
# module name by using a partial
from functoools import partial
Nested = partial(ModuleLocalNested, module_name=__name__)

class _SomeSchema(Schema):

class _SomeOtherSchema(Schema):
    some_nested_field = Nested('_SomeSchema')

# The nested schema is now stored as some_api_module._SomeSchema


This library uses the same Jinja templating library as Flask, but with a custom loader to support YAML files with many individual templates (since speech responses tend to be very short). The loader also supports randomization to add greater variability to speech responses.

class flask_dialogflow.templating.YamlLoaderWithRandomization(path: str)

A simple template loader for YAML files that supports randomization.

This template loader loads all templates from a single, flat YAML file. The file is loaded once during initialization and then only reloaded when a change is detected.

It supports randomization in that if the template is an array it selects one of the arrays elements at random. This can be used to add variability to templates within the same context. The array elements can also be 2-element arrays themselves, were the second element is a number. This number will be used to weigh the random choice. Elements without weight default to 1.


simple_template: Hello world!

# A list template: All variants have equal probability (i.e. 50% here)
  - Hi there, this is the first variant!
  - And this is the second variant.

# Template with weights, default value is 1
  - ['This is the first variant.', 0.5]     # ~14% prob. (0.5/3.5)
  - This is the second variant.             # ~29% prob. (1/3.5)
  - ['And this is the third variant.', 2]   # ~57% prob. (2/3.5)

# NOT allowed: Nested templates
    - This would be the actual text (if it were allowed)!

Note that for randomization to work auto_reload has to be enabled on the Jinja environment. Otherwise the env will cache the templates internally and not call this loader. The loader itself will select a random version of each template every time it is called, see get_source() for details.


path – The path to the templates YAML file.

get_source(environment: jinja2.environment.Environment, name: str) → Tuple[str, str, Callable[[], bool]]

Get a template source.

Expects the template to be a key from the YAML file and looks it up in the cached mapping, reloading it beforehand if the file was modified. The uptodate callback returned as the third param always returns false to force the environment to call this function every time and thus trigger the random selection again. This in combination with the auto_reload setting on the Jinja environment is necessary to make randomization work.

  • environment – The Environment to load the template from.

  • name – A key from the YAML templates file.


The same (source, filename, uptodate) tuple as the BaseLoader.

  • TemplateNotFound – When the template name is not in the file.

  • TemplateError – When the template files format is invalid (usually because of misquoted strings).

list_templates() → Iterable[str]

List the templates of this loader.


An iterable of template names.

CLI interface

A special command group for Flask’s CLI interface. Adds an agent sub command to the flask command which gives access to certain information about the current Dialogflow agent. See also flask agent --help. The agent itself is also available in a flask shell as agent.

flask_dialogflow.cli.intents(*args, **kwargs)

List the registered intent handlers.

Prints a table with the registered intent names and their handler functions.

flask_dialogflow.cli.contexts(*args, **kwargs)

List the registered contexts.

Prints a table with the registered context names, their default factories and whether they should be kept around.

flask_dialogflow.cli.integrations(*args, **kwargs)

List the registered integration conversation classes.

Prints a table with the registered integrations (source and version), the corresponding conversation class and its init kwargs.

Test helper

A few tools to make testing Dialogflow agents easier. The recommended way to test Agents built with this library is the DialogflowAgent.test_request() method, which simulates an end-to-end request through the agent. See also Testing Flask Applications for more tips.

flask_dialogflow.agent.build_webhook_request(intent: Optional[str] = 'Default Welcome Intent', action: Optional[str] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, session: Optional[str] = 'projects/foo/agent/sessions/bar', parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, contexts: Optional[Iterable[flask_dialogflow.context.Context]] = None, payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, is_fallback: Optional[bool] = False, dialogflow_version: Optional[str] = 'v2beta1') → Union[flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2.WebhookRequest, flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2beta1.WebhookRequest]

Factory function to build a WebhookRequest.

Params not explicitly given are set to sensible defaults, allowing for request construction with minimal effort. This functions will rarely be used explicitly, but powers other test helpers under the hood, especially DialogflowAgent.test_request(), which accepts the same kwargs as this function.


# This builds a valid request to the FooIntent

# A slighly more complex request with params and context
from flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2 import Context

    parameters={'some-date': '2018-10-02T19:30:26Z'},
        Context('foo_context', parameters={'foo': 'bar'})
  • intent – The requests intents display name.

  • action – The requests action.

  • source – The source from where this request was send to Dialogflow.

  • session – The requests session. Must conform to the session str format.

  • parameters – The dict of params parsed from the input text.

  • contexts – An iterable of Context. Defaults to an empty list when not given.

  • payload – The platform-specific request payload.

  • is_fallback – Whether this intent is a fallback intent.

  • dialogflow_version – The Dialogflow version to use. Defaults to v2beta1, which has all features.

class flask_dialogflow.agent.TestWebhookResponse(followup_event_input: Optional[EventInput] = None, output_contexts: List[Context] = <factory>, fulfillment_text: Optional[str] = None, fulfillment_messages: List[Message] = <factory>, payload: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>, source: Optional[str] = None, end_interaction: Optional[bool] = None)

Response class returned from DialogflowAgent.test_request().

This is a subclass of WebhookRequest with a few extra methods that help in making assertions against the response.

classmethod from_webhook_response(webhook_response: Union[flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2.WebhookResponse, flask_dialogflow.google_apis.dialogflow_v2beta1.WebhookResponse])

Classmethod to instantiate this from a normal WebhookResponse.

Used internally, should not be used by users.


webhook_response – The normal WebhookResponse that should be converted to this class.

text_responses() → Iterable[str]

Get an iterable of all individual text responses.

Note that this yields only the generic Dialogflow responses, i.e. responses set via conv.ask, not conv.google.ask.


The individual text responses.

has_context(display_name: str) → bool

Check whether the response has a certain context set.

This does not check the lifespan of the context because None is a valid lifespan that defaults to Dialogflows default lifespan.


display_name – The display name to check for (i.e. the context name without the session id).

context(display_name: str) → flask_dialogflow.context.Context

Get a context by its display name.

Returns the Context object when it is part of this response. Throws a ValueError when it is not.


display_name – The display name to get (i.e. the context name without the session id).


ValueError – When the context is not part of the response.